Blocks - Local Scope for Variable Declarations and Command Aggregation

Slang includes Scala’s notion of a block, which uses curly braces { ... } to introduce a local scope for variables and aggregation of commands within the scope. Here are some examples (using a coding style that omits semicolons by relying on Scala’s line-orientation):

   // Illustrating "blocks" - sequence of statements in { ... }

   val x1 = Z.random

   { // a block is a sequence of statements with its own scope
     println("Inside block")
     val y = x1 + 1 // can refer to vars (e.g., x1) outside scope
     assert(y > x1)
   } // y is no longer available

The block above illustrates a block with a sequence of print, variable declaration, and assertions. The block introduces a local variable y which can be used within the block after the declaration, but it not visible outside of the block. Variables in scope immediately outside of the block such as x1 are also visible in the block.

Blocks as Expressions – Yielding Values

// Illustrating a block expression - produces a value for val/var definition or assignment

val x2: Z = { // an explicit type is required for the declared identifier when a block expression is used
  println("Inside block expresion")
  x1 + 2  // produces the value to give to x2

This block illustrates that a block can have a sequence of several statements/expressions and then conclude in an expression that gives a value for the entire block (this type of block is referred to as an “expression block”). In any block, expressions can also appear any place in the sequence but the value of any expression not appearing last in the sequence is ignored.

When used in declarations, the identifier being declared must be given an explicit type.
