Bodies of Slang Conditionals are Blocks

Conditional statements in Slang are a bit more restrictive than in Scala: statements appearing in the if or else branch of must appear in a block (even if the branch consists only of a single statement):

   // Illustrating Conditionals -- branches must be blocks

   if (B.random) { // conditional statement requires a block on its branches
     println("Randomly printed")

   val x3 = Z.random

   if (x3 > 100) {
     val y:Z = x3 + 22
     println("If branch: ", y)
   } else { // need a block, even though there is only one statement in else branch
     println("Else branch")

Else - If

An exception to “branch bodies are blocks” rule is chaining conditionals together with an else if: the if statement in the else branch does not have to be wrapped in a block:

   // Nested/chained conditional

   val x4 = Z.random % 3

   if (x4 == 2) {
   } else if (x4 == 1) {   // note "if" itself doesn't have to be in a block
   } else {

Conditional Expressions

In conditional expressions, the contents of the if and else branches do not have to be in blocks when there is only a single expression/statement in the branch:

   // Conditional expression -- no blocks needed

   val x5: Z = if (B.random) x3 else -x3 // conditional expression (no blocks)

Blocks may be used in conditional expression branches to include statements in a branch before the final value-producing expression in the branch:

   // conditional blocks

   val x6: Z =
     if (B.random) {    // conditional block expression
       println("5")     // statement
       5                // expression producing value for branch
     } else {